Saturday 12 April 2014

Chapter 1.41 The Boy Hunt

Alyssa honestly didn't know this part of Dragon Valley existed until she was a teenager

When she was a kid, she thought that past here was just hills, and other boring stuff, not this! This is a lot more fun than just some hills. Partying and drinking was about twenty times more fun with Tallulah. They had a few more drinks at the club before going on a boy hunt.

Even though the place was pretty much dead...
"Ugh!" Tallulah groaned, rolling her eyes. "This damn town. Its all dead." She grumbled.
Alyssa, who was a little more drunk than sober, whispered "Its not dead, its sleeping." She then laughed about what she said.

Tallulah sulked for a few more seconds, then she shook her head "You really can't hold your drinks, can you?" She asked, then heard a noise from upstairs. "C'mon Tipsy." She grinned, pulling Alyssa upstairs. "Maybe there's cute guys up there."
"Ooh! Cute guys." Alyssa grinned, following her upstairs

When they got upstairs, there was a boy and a girl, roughly the same age who were playing shuffle board. It was only those four in the entire pub, even the bartenders weren't there! However, Alyssa still thought the boy hunt was going on, which was why she tried to look extra cute for the blonde boy.

Alyssa leaned over to Tallulah, "Okay, so I'll have the boy looking boy, and you can have the girl looking boy." She whispered, but it was loud enough for the boy and girl to hear though.
Tallulah grinned, embarrassed enough for all four of them. "Sorry, my friend's a little drunk. She can't really handle her drinks." She smiled, managing to save the shipwreck Alyssa almost caused.

"Its fine." The redheaded girl answered, seemingly paying close attention to Alyssa. In fact, both of them were. "Not a lot of people can handle drinks all too well." She smirked.
"Yeah, well..." Tallulah trailed off, seeing Alyssa was making googly eyes at the boy. "At least I can. And I bet you anything I'm better at shuffleboard." She grinned, playing the wingwoman and letting Alyssa have some alone time with that guy.
The girl grinned "You're so on." And Tallulah went off to play shuffleboard, as best as she could based on she's never played it before.

"Hey." He grinned, "I'm Tyler." He introduced himself.
Alyssa grinned back, more sheepishly. "I'm Alyssa. Nice to meet you." She tried to be as herself as she could right now. She wanted to come off as a popular girl who still had a mind of her own, and not some future alcoholic.
"How about me and you go downstairs so we can talk a little more privately?" He suggested, and Alyssa tried to remember something that her mom said. Something about saying no to boys.
"What about your girlfriend?" She asked, assuming Tyler and the redheaded girl were dating/
He laughed a little "Bonnie? No, she's closer to being my sister than my girlfriend." He shook his head a little, going downstairs. Alyssa followed him downstairs.

When Alyssa made it downstairs, she noticed Tyler behind the bar. She raised an eyebrow "What you doing there?" She laughed, finding it way more funnier than it should be.
"Well, I just happen to be a master mixologist." He grinned, looking at her.
She sat down at the bar, "Then make me a Manhattan." She rested her head in one hand.

Tyler looked at the bar, confused. He then looked back at Alyssa "Okay, maybe I'm not a master mixologist." He admitted, half smiling.
She shook her head, grinning. "You shouldn't lie Tyler, if that is your real name." She smiled at him.
"Yeah, my real name is Tyler." He grinned back at her.

Upstairs, Tallulah was playing shuffleboard with Bonnie. "So, how do you know Alyssa?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
Tallulah was fairly caught off guard. Something wasn't all too right about this girl. "Uh... She's a friend of friends." She smiled in a naturally condescending way. It was the way most popular girls smiled, and she couldn't help it! "How do you know her name?" She asked.

Bonnie stumbled for words ever so slightly, but she quickly covered it up by saying, "I heard Tyler mention her name. That's how." She smiled slightly.
Tallulah could tell that was a lie, she had been around enough liars to know. "That's a nice story." She smiled condescendingly again, this time for real. Her smile turned into a glare, "Now tell me the truth, before I rip your ugly red hair out." She snarled, "and don't think for a moment that I won't."

Alyssa was laughing almost too loudly, grinning. "No way, I do not believe you and Bonnie did that." She looked up at Tyler, who was grinning to.
"We totally did." He rested an elbow on the bar. "But, we were just kids so..." He shrugged. "Let off the hook." He was back grinning again.
"Pool hopping though?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "I didn't even know all too many houses here had pools."

Tyler scoffed, "You're kidding, right? Dragon Valley is a lot more boring compared to some of the places I've been." He murmured.
"So, your family and Bonnie's family were close?" She asked, "And you guys moved around a lot?" That was the only logical solution she could come up with.
Smirking, Tyler answered "Sure, why not?"

Bonnie stammered for words again, unaware she would have this kind of confrontation. "I-I'm not lying, I promise."
Tallulah tutted once, and tilted her head "Listen, Honey." She started, being her usual sassy self again. "I've dealt with a lot of b*tches like you, and I know when I'm being lied to." She folded her arms, raising an eyebrow, "So either be honest with me now, or you'll regret it." She growled, the somewhat friendly facade gone. "You don't want to mess with me, bird-nose." She smirked slightly.

Bonnie snarled, "Fine, I was lying. I knew Alyssa when she was younger. We were friends, but she knew me by something else."
Tallulah raised an eyebrow, honestly not expecting that. She thought Bonnie may have been a creepy stalker or whatever, "Oh yeah? Had to change your name and leave the city?"
She hesitated, "Kinda..."

Alyssa cleared her throat, "Speaking of Bonnie... Are you sure she won't be angry you're spending the night with me?" She grinned.
"I've spent most my life with Bonnie, I think she can give me up for at least one night." Tyler grinned back.
She grinned still, and decided to try flirting a little, "Good, because I'm not so sure I'd want to give you up." She smirked.

He raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Don't tell me I'm being caught in the middle of a love triangle, am I?" He smirked.
Alyssa scoffed, "No, I wouldn't even give her a chance." She giggled, grinning. "I'm the jealous type." She pointed out, smiling still.

"And by kinda, you mean what?" Tallulah pressed further, raising an eyebrow. If Bonnie didn't know any better, she would've thought she was a cop or something.
"My family traveled around a lot." She folded her arms, "It usually meant I had to change my name."
"And what does Alyssa know you as?" Lulu pressed again, wanting answers. If there was anything she hated more than liars, it was secret keepers.

"She used to know me as Lola." Bonnie explained, "I had to leave though. She wouldn't recognize me because I looked a lot different back then." She smirked, and Tallulah wondered why she found that so funny. 
"Lola? Hm." She mused, tilting her head and keeping her eyes narrowed. "I still don't trust you, but-" She shrugged, "-not much I can do." Lulu went up closer to her, the glare still prominent on her features, Bonnie backed up to the wall, and Lulu stopped right in front of her. "But if I find out you're lying..." She laughed a little, but not in a nice way, "we'll wait and see what happens." 

Tyler had come around from behind the bar and Alyssa stood up. "So, if we were together, what would happen if I did make you jealous?" He asked.
"Then I'll do something crazy to prove you're mine." She answered simply, grinning.
"Like what?" He asked, amused.
Alyssa grinned, "Like this." And she wrapped her arms around his back, and kissed him.

Most people say that first kisses are magical, something from a dream. Other people say that the first kiss is the same as any other kiss there is.
For Alyssa, her first kiss was more than magical.

Chapter 1.40 Lazy Friday                                            
AN: Happy ending, well happier than some endings have been. This ending is a lot happier than the next one.
I'm not fully sure if there's anything else to add, other than I now have summaries and possibly a page where you can download all my simmies. That'll be up sometime later today.
Oh! I'll probably be focusing on Alyssa a little more, but we will get to see the rest of the family too. I'm not fully abandoning Erin and Thomas for their daughter, I promise.


  1. Interesting, Alyssa's imaginary friend got herself made real without Alyssa, but why is she back, what does she want with Alyssa now and what is her connection to Tyler? So many questions...

    1. Many questions, such wonder, wow.
      Sorry, I couldn't help it, I'm in one of my weird moods.
      Questions answered soon.

  2. Right kind of Tallulah to play wing woman for Alyssa. Especially kind of her to nose around as to why Bonnie/Lola both appeared to be interested and know more than she ought to. But how did Bonnie turn real? And how is Tyler kinda like family to her? Guessing by the last line, I'd almost hazard to say he's an IF too, but whose? And how?

    1. Tallulah the wingwoman. *plays dramatic background music*
      As for Bonnie, and Tyler and all that jazz, that'll come later. There's not all too much I can say without giving away all my plans...

  3. Hey! Sorry this comment is so late. I'd been meaning to comment before now... sorry.

    Anyway, this chapter was quite interesting. I wonder about the relationship between Bonnie/Lola and Tyler and how he's connected to her. I also don't trust Bonnie/Lola because she's one of those dolls *sideeyes*

    I'm also confused about how to think of Tallulah. One second I think she's being nice, the next she's being evil. I don't know how to view her. I'm so full of questions! I hope we get some answers soon.

    1. Its fine, personal life takes the top priority :)

      I'm glad you found this interesting, it was a pain for me to shoot. The clubs close so early! I had the next one done before this one. And you'll find out about Bonnie/Lola's relationship with Tyler later.

      She's a mean girl. Mean girls are often nice to their friends, and an absolute b*tch to those they don't know or aren't friends with. They're even worse to potential competition over boys.

  4. Uh oh!!!
    Well, I definately think Tallulah can be trusted and be a good friend now, but Bonnie/Lola is NOT good news D: And Tyler? Uh... I don't know who he is or where he comes from, but he's definately bad news!
    Oh Alyssa... What have you got yourself into?

    1. So, Bonnie's bad news, and so is Tyler... But at least Tallulah is trusted! You'll see the two of them again some time, hopefully you'll trust them a little more.
      Alyssa's a strong girl, she can handle it.

  5. Ah! I recognize Madison now! She looked slightly fairly familiar, but I probably wouldn't have honestly fully placed her face were it not for your A/N on the last chapter.

    Alyssa doesn't really seem like the jealous type, at least she never had been before. But yay for first kisses!

    1. I'm glad you recognize Madison/Tallulah. She looks a lot more like herself when she's an adult, trust me. I got rid of the black hair.

      She's not all too much of the jealous type, and yay for first kisses! (even though Alyssa wasn't fully aware)
